Reading isn't only about the ideas either. What you're reading and experiencing isn't simply a collection of cold words on a flat page. Those words were written with conviction, passion and energy, and what you can experience now is that same passion and energy that the writer had.

Books are powerhouses and they will challenge you to meet their power with your own. They cause change. They can be a phenomenal source of inspiration in your life ...

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

7 Simple Factors That Affect How You Write Articles

New writers as well as experienced writers like myself are always looking for strategies, techniques, and shortcuts for becoming a better article writer and marketer.

It's no secret, that the better you write, the more credibility, visibility, and traffic you will generate to your website. Of course this is all directly related to your income. Good articles bring qualified traffic, and qualified prospects convert!

I see that a lot of my clients get stuck writing often or at all on their topic because of several pitfalls and roadblocks. Learn how they affect how you write and what you can do to avoid them once and for all...

1. Reading Emails Mindlessly

Mindless email browsing can stop you from writing productively. It is almost inevitable that once you log into your computer, that you are drawn to your inbox. I certainly am. In fact, I haven't been able to stop checking my email when I first get on the computer, but what I have had to do is time myself. I give myself 10 minutes to check emails, and another 5 minutes to answer any pressing support questions. That's it. Then I write. Anything else can wait until I've finished writing my articles for the day.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Daily Stock Analysis - Leading Your Way To Become A Millionaire

The daily stock analysis is the most important tool for people who love to do day trading. Those investors who buy online stocks are dependent on the day-to-day stock analysis. When you talk about this interpretation, you are referring to the collated details from the stock market, presented and interpreted for better and faster comprehension of competitive stocks for investors. The idea that they are generated on a daily basis is what most traders and other people in stock market, are most dependent of. This is where they base their decisions and succeeding moves in the future.
When you talk of daily stock analysis, there are several details about what is going on in the stock market. The facts contained in the analysis helps you identify the health of your stocks and their status in the market. It will show you how they are fared for the day. It also helps you identify if stocks reached their high value, if they just maintained their previous rate, or if they gradually went down. Through these findings, you will be able to know what to do next and make reasonable decisions. If the status is fair enough, then buying online stocks can be possible. If the status of the stocks aren't that promising, then wait for the perfect timing for your next investment.
There are cases when daily stock analysis will only show charts and graphs. But there are also times where you can get good interpretation and feedback from experienced traders. These people have gone over the analysis and have something to say about the assessment of stocks. When you encounter these comments, use them as your guide for your future plans. Whether you are buying online stocks or just waiting for the right time, these facts will lead you to the right choice.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Launch The Best DTP Business -- 5 Tips To Make It The Best

DTP is one of the easiest ways to establish successful home businesses, for which reason many have set up this very business. If you want to succeed in DTP, you need to ensure you have a good quality imagesetter and screen platesetters because it is with the help of this machinery that you can stay ahead of your competition and earn well.

Home businesses are the order of the day today because everybody needs their dollar to stretch a little more than it is possible. With the inflation rising at unexpected rates, most couples find they cannot make both ends meet on their jobs exclusively. This is one of the reasons many home businesses are mushrooming throughout the Net, popping up by thousands every second. How do you make your DTP business successful? Here are five important tips that would launch you into a successful home business.

1. Use latest technology -- without the latest technology, you can never compete on quality and speed of delivery. You might be able to hook customers, but they would definitely leave without giving you any business if they feel that they are given inferior quality work. Invest in the latest technology and keep the public informed that you are not only aware about the latest technology, but also apply it for their benefit.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Helpful Organizational Tips for Teachers

Teaching is a job in which organization is paramount.  Without adequate organization, your classroom can quickly fall into chaos and you risk losing valuable time.
If you are spending too much time looking for supplies, grading papers or collecting work, then you may want to find ways to improve the organization of your area in order to manage your time more efficiently. Some of the best tools for teachers to keep track of their keys are teacher lanyards.  These are worn around the neck and hold your classroom keys so you don't waste time looking for them when it comes time to leave the room for recess or lunch.
Teacher lanyards can pull double duty as ID badge lanyards too.  Since many teachers wear employee identification at work these days, ID badge lanyards are ideal tools because they hold your identification safely while also keeping it accessible.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Benefits of Using Car Transport Services When Moving

Sure, the great American road trip is fun, but driving your car across the country when you're moving to a new city is not always the best idea. When you drive, you've got fuel, motel and travel expenses, and it's also takes time, which you might be short on, especially when you're moving. Driving can also be stressful, especially when you know you need to run around, look for an apartment, and generally get acquainted with a new city at the other end. So, it often makes sense to let auto transporting services to move your car.

Here are four benefits of using car transport services:

1. Saves money - Car transport services are becoming increasingly popular, which means it's easy to score a great deal. Shop around online and compare quotes to secure a rate that works for you. Car transport services often work out to be cheaper than driving yourself. Fuel is never cheap, and you might have to fill your tank a couple of times, depending on how far you're travelling. When you're driving, you also have travel expenses, like food and tolls, plus you might need to stay in a motel for one or more nights.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Finance Your Startup: Are You Using Your Personal Credit? You're Not Alone

Did you finance your startup using money from your personal savings? How about your personal credit cards? Or did you end up borrowing some money from friends or family members?

No matter what way you chose to get the cash needed to launch your business you're not the only one. Many of the most successful businesses you see today got started the very same way.

Did you know that billionaire Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Records, borrowed money from his mom to start his mail order record company?

Or did you know that filmmaker Spike Lee had to use his personal credit and savings to produce his first movie?

While using personal funds is quite common among startups it should never be the long term strategy for supporting the growth of your business.

Careful planning with a sound business credit building strategy right from the onset will help prevent you from putting your personal credit and assets at risk.

Too many entrepreneurs rely on traditional sources of funding instead of taking advantage of alternative sources such as social lending, micro loans, vendor lines of credit, and crowd funding to name a few.

Do you think some of these ultra successful entrepreneurs are still relying on their personal credit or personal funds to grow their businesses today?

Of course not.

While their companies continued to grow during its infancy they obviously took advantage of additional sources of funding that businesses like yours can also take advantage of today.

Horse Riding Hats - Always Remember Safety First

Horse riding is one of the most exhilarating pastimes available. Nature is all around you and you feel at one with the horse, with an amazing impression of freedom and enjoyment. Due to the fact that you feel so uninhibited, there is a danger that you could forget some basic safety concerns. You shouldn't forget that horse riding is inherently dangerous, however and you could always be thrown, ejected or the horse itself could fall. As such, safety should be your principal concern before you even think about getting into the saddle and you should always choose from a list of approved horse riding hats.

Whether you are a beginner, an established rider or someone who participates in competition, you must know the risks involved. The riding hat is probably your first line of defence in case of incident and you should not spare any expense or any effort in finding one which is suitable. Remember that you should wear your riding hat when you're not even actually riding, as whenever you are around your horse, there is the risk of a kick.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Air Yang Mengalir

Air yang baik adalah air yang mengalir, yang bersumber dari mata air. Air yang langsung memancar dari mata air biasanya jernih, bening, sejuk, harum aromanya. Air yang mengalir pertanda adanya kehidupan yang sehat, berbagai jenis ikan dan binatang air hidup di dalamnya. Jikalau air tak mengalir, lama kelamaan akan mengeruh, menguning, menghitam, membusuk dan mengeluarkan bau tak sedap. Hanya lumut, nyamuk, dan kuman saja yang tumbuh, berkembang biak di dalamnya, menjadi sumber segala penyakit.
Hidup ini ibaratnya seperti air yang mengalir. Air selalu mengalir menurut hukum alam, maka biarlah hidup kita berjalan sesuai dengan kehendak-Nya. Setiap perlawanan terhadap kehendak-Nya hanya menimbulkan kekecewaan dan kesia-siaan belaka.
Sementara orang, menjalani kehidupannya seolah-oleh tanpa beban, hidup bersahaja, seperti air yang mengalir. Setiap masalah dihadapi dengan bijak, dicari jalan keluar, mampu mengelola segala masalah menjadi energi positip, menjadi semakin dewasa dalam menyikapi permasalahan, semakin kuat kerinduannya akan penyertaan Tuhan di dalam kehidupannya, semakin teguh imannya, selalu beryukur dan penuh suka cita.
Air menyembur dari sumbernya, lalu mengalir melalui sungai kecil, masuk ke sungai besar, bengawan, dan pada akhirnya bermuara ke laut. Air itu tidak dapat mengalir balik dari muara ke sumbernya. Demikian juga halnya dengan kehidupan, yang terus berjalan seiring dengan perjalanan waktu, yang tidak dapat diputar balik. Itulah hakekatnya waktu, dan di dalam waktu itulah berada kehidupan kita.
Hidup ini bagaikan sungai yang terus mengalir, namun tidak selamanya mengalir dengan tenang. Ia juga tidak pernah tahu akan perjalanan selanjutnya, kejadian yang akan dialaminya, mungkin akan pecah terbelah menerjang bebatuan, hancur lebur ketika terjun di jeram, menjadi riak-riak kecil atau gelombang yang besar.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Growth Mindset

Pola pikir seseorang - akan menentukan cara orang melihat dunia, cara orang memandang kehidupannya, cara memandang setiap peristiwa yang dialaminya. Terhadap satu peristiwa yang sama, bisa saja orang mengambil sikap yang amat berbeda. Mengalami penderitaan bisa menjadikan seseorang termotivasi, mau bangkit, terbakar semangatnya, mengalahkan penderitaan, dan menghasilkan sukses luar biasa. Sebaliknya penderitaan juga bisa membuat orang putus asa serta membiarkan dirinya dihancurkan olehnya.
Pada dasarnya pola pikir (mindset) terbagi dalam dua pola yaitu fixed mindset atau mindset tetap dan growth mind set atau mindset berkembang. Orang yang berpola pikir fixed mindset, biasanya hanya mengarahkan diri pada bakat atau kemampuan yang sudah ada saja, sedang orang yang memiliki growth mindset suka mengembangkan apa yang sudah ada, senang mencari tantangan baru, mau menjalaninya dan selalu mampu menghadapi masalah.
Ciri-ciri yang paling penting dari orang yang ber growth mindset adalah suka dengan upaya, penuh kreativitas, kerja keras, dan anthusias. Orang dengan mindset berkembang mempunyai pemahaman, bahwa segala bakat atau talenta, kecerdasan, dan kapasitas yang dimiliki itu adalah sesuatu yang bukan given,  tetapi bisa diperoleh melalui berbagai upaya tertentu. Mereka itu menjalani kehidupan  dengan memanfaatkan peluang dan tantangan untuk berkembang mencapai kesuksesan.
Sayang - tidak semua orang mau menggunakan pola pikir growth mindset, sehingga banyak orang yang terpaksa larut di dalam krisis, mudah menyerah, putus asa, dan jauh dari keberhasilan. Ketika orang menghadapi krisis yang hebat, mengalami penderitaan, ada yang menjadi frustasi, stress berat, bahkan sampai bunuh diri, karena tidak mampu menghadapi masalah.
Manakala orang mengalami keadaan seperti ini, maka yang paling awal yang harus dilakukan adalah membenahi cara berpikirnya. Realitas ini mesti dihadapi dengan pola pikir yang baru yaitu growth mindset, agar kita tegar dan keluar dari krisis menuju sukses. Dalam hal ini - ingatlah bahwa kegagalan adalah benih-benih kesuksesan Anda yang paling mulia.Remember that your failures are the seeds of your most glorious successes”.

Keberhasilan hendaklah dimaknai sebagai “berusaha dengan lebih baik”, dan kegagalan dimaknai sebagai “kurangnya ketrampilan dan pengalaman”. Karena itu kegagalan perlu diresponi dengan sebuah upaya untuk bekerja lebih keras, lebih tekun, dan bersemangat.
Sebuah survey Gallup tentang “Karakter Orang-orang Sukses di Amerika” menjelaskan bahwa hampir semua orang yang berhasil, berkualitas dan berkembang kehidupannya, adalah mereka yang memiliki mindset berkembang, seperti: kerja keras, tujuan yang jelas, hasrat belajar yang tinggi, tidak pernah berhenti belajar pada satu bidang tetapi selalu mencoba bidang lain, menghargai kemampuan pengembangan logika, serta terus berusaha untuk berubah dan berkembang. 
Hidup yang berkualitas dan berkembang bisa dicapai karena mindset yang benar, dan yang sudah mendarahdaging, menjelma dalam karakter, kebiasaan, sikap dan perilaku di dalam diri orang-orang sukses*****

The Source of Inspiration

Open your mind wide and join in the conversation with writers and thinkers and anyone who sees the world in different ways. It doesn't matter a bit whether you agree with what they're saying - the thrill of excitement comes when you fully engage with new ideas and your mind takes off into a quiet room where nothing else matters but the words on the page and the ideas and visions spark in your mind.

Let your imagination go. Be swept away and open up that pathway between the crackling energy of inspiration and your mind and soul. Revel in the joy of new knowledge. Really listen to the conversations and open.

Reading isn't only about the ideas either. Listen to the words as they ride by - feel their energy and hear their music - whatever language you have as your own, celebrate its beauty and its sound.

What you're reading and experiencing isn't simply a collection of cold words on a flat page. Those words were written with conviction, passion and energy, and what you can experience now is that same passion and energy that the writer had.

Books are powerhouses and they will challenge you to meet their power with your own.

They cause change. They can be a phenomenal source of inspiration in your life.

Neel Raman (edited by John SBroto)

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